This article is all about the chokers. This time I will not be going into their possible symbolic meanings as I did in one of my articles already. Read more about the symbolism of choker necklaces.
Tento článek se věnuje obojkům. Tentokrát se nebudu zabývat tím, jakou mohou mít symboliku, protože o tom jsem psala v jiném článku.
Chokers were very popular in the 1990s, during my childhood. I liked to wear them a lot in my early teens because I was somewhat a goth girl (although back then I did not really know much about the existence of some goth subculture - I learned about it a bit later). They became fashionable once again like two years ago. First I noticed the chokers I have known from the 1990s on one fashion blogger whose personal style is grunge. Later on the chokers became a thing again. I am not 100 % sure but it looks like chokers are mainly popular in the USA. I suspect that the Kardashians might have had some influence on it because the Kardashian sisters can be seen a lot wearing choker necklaces on their necks (and I don´t even follow or fangirl them, this is just what I noticed when I see some of their pictures online or in lifestyle magazines) and if we like it or not Kardashians have quite an influence. The thing that is surprising me is that the chokers were able to sustain their popularity and it looks like they are not going away.
Obojky byly hodně populární v 90. letech, během mého dětství. Na začátku mé puberty jsem je nosila celkem hodně, protože jsem byla tak trochu goth (ačkoliv tehdy jsem o nějaké subkultuře gothiků nic moc nevěděla - teprve až později). Obojky se do módy opět vrátily asi před dvěma lety. Prvně jsem si obojku, který jsem znala z devadesátek, všimla na jedné módní blogerce, jejíž osobní style bych nazvala grunge. Trošku později se obojky rozšířily. Nejsem si tím 100% jistá, ale vypadá to, že se těší oblibě zejména v USA. Mám podezření, že se na tom podepsaly Kardashians, protože jsou celkem často viděny s nějakým obojkem na krku (a to je nijak zvlášť nesleduju, spíše náhodně narážím na jejich fotky na internetu nebo v časopisech) a ať se nám to líbí nebo ne, je třeba uznat, že Kardashians mají určitý vliv. Co mě však ohledně obojkové módy překvapuje je, že si stále drží svou popularitu a zdá se, že jen tak nehodlají zmizet.
It is interesting to see how the chokers evolved in during the recent renewal of their popularity. From thin ones to wider and wider ribbons. This even became a meme - the author of the meme was making fun and created a "prediction" where will the chokers go in next seasons: it ended up with one of the ladies from the Asian tribe that are prolonging their necks with their piled choker necklaces. Well, maybe this person was right and we will end up there because the most recent trend is asking you to layer your chokers, let´s hope we won´t choke because of fashion ;)
Zajímavým postřehem ohledně jejich nové popularity je, že začínaly celkem úzké a postupem času jsou čím dál širší. Tento postřeh se dokonce stal i meme - jeho autor si dělal srandu z toho, že měsíc od měsíce jsou obojky širší a širší. Na základě tohoto postřehu udělal módní předpověď, že příští sezónu se budou nosit jako obojky kruhy, které nosí ženy jednoho asijského kmene a prodlužují si jimi krk. No, ačkoliv je to trochu přehnané, možná, že nakonec měla tato osoba pravdu, protože nejnovější trend říká, že se mají různé obojky vrstvit, tak snad nás ta móda nezadusí ;)
What about you and chokers? Do you wear them or are they not your thing?
A co vy a obojky? Nosíte je nebo vás nechávají chladnými?
I'm so glad they came back around! I wear mine all the time. :)
ReplyDeleteI wore a black velvet one when I was a preteen but after that, not for me. It's too uncomfortable
I still have some velvet ones and wear them from time to time. I found out that when uncomfortable they were tied too tight and needed to loosen a bit.
DeleteI just associate them with 90s childhood too! I like them but my partner is not so much of a fan haha
ReplyDeleteI used to have one while I was growing up in the 90s, but I cannot say I am a fan of chokers now. Maybe that is a sign I am getting old and not accepting new trends :)
ReplyDeleteI love this trend! It's so crazy how they repeat themselves!
Alexandra Christine Blog
Yeas, I agree, don´t throw away the outdated clothes, in 20 years it will be IN again! :D
DeleteChokers have really made a comeback of late haven't they! I had loads in the 90s but haven't bought one this time round, I really must!
ReplyDeleteI love Chokers. Yay!!! thanks for these styling tips.
ReplyDeleteChokers remind me of my aunt. She wore them all of the time when I was little. I always thought they made her look fancy and beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThey can elevate the whole look :)
DeleteI love chokers, i wore it when i was teen girl :)
ReplyDeleteIf I'm feeling grungey I might. Wear one. Usually I won't though because I hate the claustrophobic feeling I get, although I love them on other people.
ReplyDeleteChokers are awesome and I love the style! I'm glad it's back in the trend as well. Chokers are quite different now though. But they're still beautiful!
ReplyDeleteIt's a good trend, to be honest! I love it. And I love that there are so many styles of chokers these days!
ReplyDeleteMy daughter is very much into this trend and I get why she loves it. It's a statement piece that will really draw your attention.
ReplyDeleteI've got a plain black velvet one myself and I love it! Can really make an outfit seem so much cooler.
ReplyDeleteI've never seen these before and know practically nothing about them, but they seem really simple and beautiful for what they are. I've always liked velvet too, the sensitive nature of how it feels is quite something.
ReplyDeleteTheir is something super sasy about a choker, totally adds a cool edge to an outfit.
ReplyDeleteI love chokers and I hope this trend will not die out too soon!
ReplyDeleteNot a big fan of choker! But it looks great on off-shoulder, strapless dresses!
ReplyDeleteI like chokers I just haven't gone around to actually getting one. But I love the ones that are not you typical velvet ones. I like the bow ones, theyre so cute.
ReplyDeleteI have never been a big fan of chokers myself. Perhaps I should give them a good try.