September is gone, which means Instagram stories recap! I must say I was quite disappointed by the weather. The sudden low temperatures were quite a shock, I even got a runny nose for a few days and realized I need to get some new coats. I remember nice beginnings of autumn, with sunny days and leaves turning yellow and red. This was not the case for most of this month, only last week in September or so was finally nice and sunny. I was able to enjoy these last few days of "summer" while enjoying my meal outside, walking through parks and visiting the Botanical garden in Troja, Praha (which is beautiful when the leaves are colourful).
Because of the not so nice weather the mushrooms took their time and they finally started to grow. I think it was my first and only one mushroom hunting trip for this year. The summer was too dry and September was too cold. We were lucky though, as you can see on the last Insta story, we had quite a lot of mushrooms (but they were tiny! :D). Well, some of them are eaten already and the rest is in the freezer, waiting for their turn. Speaking of food and cooking - did you know that you can use a spoilt milk (the fresh one that becomes a bit sour) to make pancakes (those from these ingredients: milk, eggs, flour, sugar, salt)? Now you do :) And yop, I already cooked the first pumpkin soup of this season (and the syrup for pumpkin spice lattés too). How was your September?
Měsíc září je pryč a to znamená, že je čas na rekapitulaci zářijových Instagram stories! Musím přiznat, že tentokrát mě zářijové počasí docela zklamalo. Náhlé nízké teploty byly celkem šok, dokonce jsem chvíli měla rýmu a také mi došlo, že bych potřebovala nějaké nové kabátky. Vzpomínám si na začátky podzimu, které byly slunečné a pozorovat zbarvené listí byla radsot. Tentokrát to tak ale nebylo, až poslední asi týden v září byl konečně pěkný a slunečný. Těchto pár posledních závanů léta jsem si užila sezením na zahrádce restaurací, procházkami parkem a návštěvou Botanické zahrady v Tróje, v Praze (která je na podzim překrásně barevná).
Kvůli nevhodnému počasí trvalo letos dost dlouho než začaly růst houby. Vypadá to, že jsem byla na svém prvním a zároveň posledním houbaření v tomto roce. Léto bylo na houby moc suché a září pro změnu moc chladné. Měli jsme ale celkem štěstí, jak můžete vidět na poslední Insta story, hub jsme našli celkem dost (ale byly maličké! :D). No, část už je snědená a zbytek čeká na svou příležitost v mrazáku. A když už mluvím o jídle a vaření - víte, že můžete použít zkyslé mléko (ale ne to trvanlivé, to zhořkne) na palačinky (ty, co se dělají z mléka, vajec, mouky, cukru a soli)? Tak teď už to víte :) A ano, už mám za sebou první výrobu dýňové polévky v této sezóně (a taky sirupu na pumpkin spice latté). Jaké bylo vaše září?
I really need to start using insta stories a bit more, I just hate the fact that they disappear, I always love to look back on my chats and photos that's why i never really got into Snapchat! I've not been mushroom hunting for so long now, must do that again with the kids soon as it is so much fun x
ReplyDeleteI love the stories, the only drawback for me is that the photos need to be fresh so I sometimes don´t get to posting some nice ones (although I know there is a workaround but I am usually too lazy for this :D)
DeleteYou can choose the stories to be saved automatically to your phone :)
Wait wait wait! You can use spoiled milk to make pancakes! You have to tell me more! I am not a big fan of pumpkin flavored things, but I do love love love pumpkin pancakes :) Happy start of fall!
ReplyDeleteYes, you can, I do it quite often because I hate to just throw it away and I like pancakes so it is an excuse to make them. You can only use the "fresh" one that has the expiration dat in a week or so. The ones that last long, like a year, get bitter so they cannot be used for this.
DeleteIt looks like you had a good month, although I completely agree; we seemed to miss out on the gradual cooling of days and the changing of the leaves here in the UK too. As autumn is my favourite season I definitely feel robbed there!!
ReplyDeleteMe too! I like how photogenic it is and this year I did not have many chances to go out and take autumn pictures.
DeleteI love how your feed focused a lot of pumpkins so far in autumn. I have never done a pumpkin soup before, maybe I should. I had no idea that you can use spoiled milk to make pancakes.
ReplyDeletePumpkin soup with ginger root is amazing, you should try it :)
DeleteI love mushroom picking, but I always feel a bit nervous that the ones I'm picking aren't what I think they are. I don't think a huge amount of people in the UK go mushroom picking. i do love foraging though.
ReplyDeleteMy September was good. I discovered lots of new things to enjoy. I do love autumn and I love pumpkins - the ones in your photos look brilliant!
I agree, you have to be very careful. Mushroom picking is quite huge in the Czech Republic, I think everyone can recognize at least a few "safe" mushrooms.
DeleteLove the idea of recording your IG stories so much! They are just there and gone and forgotten about usually this is such a nice way to look back! xx
ReplyDeleteThey are life only for 24 hours, which is so little. I don´t have that many viewers on IG stories so I think it is good to repurpose them when I spend time on creating them.
DeleteMy insta stories save altomatically. September for us was good. Although I tried my first pumpkin spice latte and hated it. X
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of saving your insta stories and doing a summary like this. There are so many moments I record and then they disappear and I forget. Great idea
ReplyDeleteAww that sounds like a wonderful month. I used to hate autumn but it's actually so lovely, full of colours! A taky je to prima precist si blog ktery je v cestine! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a busy month! Gorgeous photos though. The weather certainly turned!
ReplyDeleteWhat a busy month! Summer was over in a blink of an eye it feels like.
ReplyDeleteOMG those yellow marrows are awesome!! And I love this idea, makes a nice change to the usual Instagram recaps.