The Audrey Hepburn chocolate commercial from 2013

This is quite old news, but I have recently discovered this Dove chocolate commercial from 2013 staring Audrey Hepburn. Wait a second, from 2013?... How can this be possible? She was acting and this young in 1950s-60s.
Sice nejde o žádnou novinku, ale přesto se ráda podělím - nedávno jsem objevila tuto reklamu na čokoládu Dove z roku 2013, ve které hraje Audrey Hepburn. Počkat, z roku 2013? Audrey přece hrála a byla takto mladá v 50. až 60. letech.

I am a huge fan of Audrey Hepburn and love to watch the romantic comedy movies she starred in, even though the story is always very similar - Audrey fells in love with a man and it ends up with them being together. The only exception that comes to my mind is the Roman Holidays.
Já jsem velký fanoušek Audrey Hepburn a ráda se dívám na romantické komedie, ve kterých hrála, ačkoliv jsou jako přes kopírák - Audrey se zamiluje do muže a film končí happy endem, kdy jsou ti dva spolu. Jediná výjimka, která mě teď napadá jsou Prázdniny v Římě.

When I saw it for the first time I thought - this girl is really a good look alike of Audrey Hepburn. Then I thought that she is real, like, maybe some really old ad? Some scenes from a movie edited together? But there was something a bit off about her, something about the skin and eye sparkle was a bit unreal. Then I searched a bit more about it and found out that Audrey was re-created for this commercial with two doubles (one with a figure similar to Audrey and one with similar facial bone structure) who were later altered with CGI to add the nuances in facial features and typical muscle movements. I think they did a really great job.
Když jsem tuto reklamu viděla poprvé, pomyslela jsem si: tahle herečka je Audrey Hepburn fakt podobná. Pak jsem si říkala, že je to opravdu Audrey, ale jakto? Jde o nějakou starou reklamu? Sestřih scén z filmu? Ale pak se mi na Audrey zdálo něco trochu divného, pleť a odlesky v očích byly trochu podivné. Tak jsem si reklamu vyhledala a dozvěděla se, že Audrey byla pro tuto reklamu ztvárněna dvěma dvojnicemi (jedna měla podobné tělo a druhá obličej). Obličej Audrey pak byl dotvořen pomocí CGI, které přidalo typické obličejové rysy a mimiku. Myslím, že výsledek je dost dobrý.

At the same time, it is a bit scary and fascinating at the same time, that with the modern technologies it is possible to resurrect someone, even though it takes about one year to create a minute of movie. This Audrey Hepburn ad was created with the permission of her inheritors. How do you like the commercial?
Zároveň je to trochu strašidelné, že pomocí moderních technologií je možné někoho takto oživit, i když se na krátké minutě filmu pracuje asi rok. Tato reklama s Audrey Hepburn byla vytvořena se souhlasem jejích dědiců. Jak se vám reklama líbí?


  1. We still have this advert on TV here, I love it. I'm absolutely fine with it. I'd like to see Monroe and Garbo recreated the same way. Keeps them alive. There will always be new generations to introduce Old Hollywood to and this is a good way to do it. Especially as her aesthetic here fits the style of the advert so well

    1. oh, that is interesting! I think I have never seen it, certainly not on TV. But at the same time I have to admit that the brand of chocolate is not familiar to me so who knows if it expanded in Czech market.
      It would definitely be nice to see more classic Hollywood stars recreated. On the other hand, it must be really expensive to make it. So not sure if the return of investment is worth it.


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