Alsatian apple cake

Do you have a sweet-tooth sometimes? Let´s be honest, I do too. That is why I am bringing you this recipe for the Alsatian apple cake. It is sweet but fresh and it will bring you in French Alsace region for a moment. So, prepare a 23 cm cake tin and let´s get started!

Alsatian apple cake dough baking recipe

Alsatian apple cake filling baking recipe

Alsatian apple cake filling baking recipe

Alsatian apple cake baking


  1. This apple pie looks devine. Thanks for sharing!

    1. And it tastes even better than it looks! To be honest, when I made it for the first time I was like - nah, I´m not sure I want to taste it. But it was so yummy!!

  2. This looks so good. Thank you so much for linking up at Tasty Tuesday! Your recipe has been pinned to the Tasty Tuesday Pinterest board! Please join us again this week!


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