•Got featured in The IFB Weekly Roundup no. 161!•

Summer is Coming

For those of us who love summer... getting ready for the vacations, the travel, the cut-off shorts... is almost just as fun as the actual summer months. This week we have a fantastic roundup of everything you need to know to get ready for summer. Purging your closet, getting festival ready, getting your nails all done and so much more. So grab your iced coffee and cozy up, these links are fantastic!

Links à la Mode: The IFB Weekly Roundup

SPONSOR: East Dane Sale Salvatore, C of H Man, Maxi Dresses, & Belts, SoulCycle, Men's Raybans, 11Paris, Svensson, Yumi Kim, DWP & thom browne

Want to be featured in Links à la Mode?

1. Read the clarified rules and submit your links on this page: Links à la Mode.
2. The top 20 links with the most votes will be selected.
3. If your link was selected and you need this week’s code, visit this page: Links à la Mode Code.
