Video: Merry Christmas! & Prague fairs & Starbucks red cups controversy + free 2016 monthly planner

Dear readers,
I would like to thank you for visiting and reading my blog.
I wish you Merry Christmas and all the best in 2016.
In this video I will bring you with me to Christmas fairs in Prague and we will admire the amazing shop windows decorations in Pařížská street. I am also discussing the Starbucks red cup controversy.
| Christmas themed dress: by me | 

Last year for the first time I created for myself and for my readers a free monthly planner anyone could download and print out. I was really fond of it, it helped me to manage my and my family´s events and another copy of it helped me to manage my blog before I decided to go a bit different path. So for the next year I decided to make another monthly planner and share it with you again. You can download it here, the password (= "heslo") is QG. I hope you will like it and it will help you.
