…take a better care of your feet all year long, not just during the summer when you expose them to the whole world in your sandals. Our feet carry our weight and get us everywhere we need to go and we should be more grateful that they do that for us. You should never be ashamed of them and take care of them. Try to create a weekly ritual, for example when watching your favourite weekly show. Put warm water in a washbowl and add a bit of sea salt or a drop of bath oil. Soak your feet in it for approximately 10 minutes, then use pumice to get rid of the hardened skin on your heels. At the end don´t forget to use some lotion, I actually recommend using simply a bit of unsalted pork lard, and put on cotton socks. Your feet will be grateful to you.
…se lépe starat o svá chodidla po celý rok, nikoliv jen během léta, kdy je vystavujeme světu na odiv v sandálkách. Chodidla nesou naši váhu a dostanou nás kamkoliv potřebujeme, a proto bychom jim měli být vděční. Nikdy byste se za ně neměli stydět a měli byste se o ně starat. Zkuste si vytvořit každotýdenní rituál, např. když se díváte na svůj oblíbený pořad, který jde jednou týdně. Napusťte si umyvadlo teplou vodou a přidejte trochu mořské soli nebo pár kapek oleje do koupele. Nechte svá chodidla ve vodě tak 10 minut a pak je za pomoci pemzy zbavte ztvrdlé kůže na patách. Nakonec je nezapomeňte namazat krémem, já dokonce doporučuji neslané škvařené vepřové sádlo, a oblečte si bavlněné ponožky. Vaše chodidla vám budou vděčná.
Foot care is one of my biggest maintenances. I have regular vinegar foot baths to combat atheletes foot and use a foot scraper, lotion and oil. I'm currently recovering from a bunion operation and planning on doing the other foot when I'm finished with the first so it'll all be worth while in the end. I can never get my feet looking flawless but I try my best to keep my feet nourished and presentable :P
Ah yes! Vinegar, this was a thing my grandma learned me, I stil use it from time to time, even for my hair (mixed with water of course). And I use it concentrated to wash bathroom because it works better than detergents (sometimes even mixed with baking soda).
DeleteI found out that the pork lard and one cream from Balea (it is in white-pink tube and costs cca 1,5 EUR but contains urea, which some people say is not that great) work for my feet best.
I hope you will recover soon from your operation!
I use apple cider vinegar mixedd in with my shampoo for my hair as well and I also use a mixture of it to clean windows with as well. I don't eat pork so I won't be using this tip but it's interesting to know what other people use. And thank you!
DeleteNice post :)
Verena :)