Vintage 1980s fake fur coat

fake fur, coat, vintage, handbag, cloche hat, 1920s, 1980s, quaintrelle, georgiana, quaint, fashionista, personal style, H&M, Accessorize, Deichmann, winter outfit, ootd
This coat is another treasure found in my mother´s wardrobe. I just love to play with retro styles that are present in old clothes and create modern looking outfits with them. I tried to break the 1980s look of the coat with the black cloche hat that was typical in 1920s. This hat is a contemporary piece, I bought it a few years ago in England (probably when visiting Oxford, not sure though) in an accessories chain store Accessorize. I also must say that the cloche hat unexpectedly protected my face from the falling snow, so if you want to protect your non-waterproof mascara and hate wearing umbrellas when snowing, invest in a cloche hat. The black corduroy pants are from H&M and my boots from Deichmann. I added my vintage yellow handbag as a statement piece, just wanted to have some colour in my look.
Add the black leather gloves: I totally love them, if you live in the Czech Rep. you can get them at local Christmas fairs, they cost about 250 CZK (depending on the city and place). They usually have more colours and designs. One more advice - look for them at the beginning of the fairs because the smaller sizes are selling quickly!

fake fur, coat, vintage, handbag, cloche hat, 1920s, 1980s, quaintrelle, georgiana, quaint, fashionista, personal style, H&M, Accessorize, Deichmann
| 1980s fake fur coat: vintage | black cloche hat: Accessorize | black corduroy pants: H&M |
| black boots: Deichmann | yellow handbag: vintage | black leather gloves: Christmas fairs |
fake fur, coat, vintage, handbag, cloche hat, 1920s, 1980s, quaintrelle, georgiana, quaint, fashionista, personal style, H&M, Accessorize, Deichmann

fake fur, coat, vintage, handbag, cloche hat, 1920s, 1980s, quaintrelle, georgiana, quaint, fashionista, personal style, H&M, Accessorize, Deichmann


  1. Love vintage pieces and that coat is perfect! You are looking fab in all that snow!

    1. Thank you, taking pictures when snowing was a challenge for me for a while, I am so glad the weather enabled me to do it.


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