Why I don´t buy glossy magazines & my experience as intern in fashion magazine

In this video I am talking about the reasons I stoped buying fashion and lifestyle magazines and briefly about my unpayed internship in one of the Czech glossies. I am also talking about my recent post about glossies and why they are selling only inspirations and aspirations.

V tomto videu mluvím o tom proč jsem si přestala kupovat módní a lifestylové časopisy a o mé neplacené stáži v jednom z českých magazínů. Též zmiňuji proč tyto magazíny prodávají jen inspiraci a aspirace, o čemž jsem nedávno psala tady na blogu.


  1. What an interesting perspective. I love your mask! So gorgeous.

    1. Thank you :). I wanted to do something a bit visually different - there are enough talking heads already - and the heart-shaped sunglasses I have on photos did not feel right because there was no eye contact in the videos.


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