Parisian mod | OOTD

 parisian mods style, mia farrow mods look, feather mccarthy scream queens style, czech personal style blog, česká módní blogerka, geogiana quaint, quaintrelle dandy fashion blog, ootd, yellow tights calzedonia mods, secondhand clothes, handmade diy cape coat
| tartan cape: selfmade | white lace dress: thrifted | yellow tights: Calzedonia |
| brown boots: Humanic |

I am loving the spring days that are slowly approaching. The sun rays knocking on my window in the morning. This winter seems to be long already. But no worries, the birds started to sing again and I trust them, they are smelling the spring as much as I do. This means that more colours are creeping in my outfits because I like to mirror the nature around me from time to time.
You could have already seen this tartan cape on this blog. I made it a few months ago, liked it a lot but then found out it is a bit challenging to wear it with my usual silhouette with full 1950s skirt. Therefore I am more inclined to more fitted outfits when wearing it because it is voluminous. It keeps me warm ecause it is like a blanket but a cardigan is always nice underneath it because the sleeves are quite open and cold wind can get in there.
How about you and capes? Do you like them? How do you style them?

parisian mods style, mia farrow mods look, feather mccarthy scream queens style, czech personal style blog, česká módní blogerka, geogiana quaint, quaintrelle dandy fashion blog, ootd, yellow tights calzedonia mods, secondhand clothes, handmade diy cape coat

parisian mods style, mia farrow mods look, feather mccarthy scream queens style, czech personal style blog, česká módní blogerka, geogiana quaint, quaintrelle dandy fashion blog, ootd, yellow tights calzedonia mods, secondhand clothes, handmade diy cape coat

parisian mods style, mia farrow mods look, feather mccarthy scream queens style, czech personal style blog, česká módní blogerka, geogiana quaint, quaintrelle dandy fashion blog, ootd, yellow tights calzedonia mods, secondhand clothes, handmade diy cape coat


  1. I don't have any capes but have been wanting to get one, I love this one, and you look great in it. I see people on the street wearing them and they always look so chic.

    Allie of ALLIENYC

    1. Thanks! Capes are not tha common outerwear in my country but when I occasionally see it on someone I usually love it.

  2. I used to want them but now I'm ok without one. Doesn't mean I'll rule out having one in future but atm it's not an essential for me

    1. I understand this feeling, sometimes I am searching for something for so long that when I find it I don´t really care anymore.

  3. How elegant do you look? And spring-like! the cape is gorgeous, but best of all is how you have styled it with the dress and tights picking out the colours beautifully. Just lovely! Kx

  4. As you can see I love parisian looks! Beauty!
    Mónica Sors


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