How to discover new locations for photoshoots | VIDEO

In this vlog I am giving tips on how to find new locations for outfit photo shoots and vlogs:
V tomto vlogu dávám tipy na to, jak najít nové místo vhodné na focení outfitů a vlogování:

1) It is good if you already somewhat know the place - if it is crowded, noisy etc. - because when you want to create something especially if you are in a rush this might be an obstacle for you.
1) Je dobré, když místo už trochu znáte - jestli tam chodí hodně lidí, je hlučné atp. - protože toto pro vás může být překážkou, když chcete něco vytvořit, zvláště pokud trochu spěcháte.

2) Don´t disclose the place where you live, this is an advice from Stalker 101 ;)
2) Nevyzraďt místo, kde bydlíte, základní rada proti stalkerům ;)

3) Don´t walk the same rout all the time and explore a bit! This way I was able to find a very pretty new place that has been under my nose the whole time!
3) Nechoďte stále stejnými ulicemi, vydejte se trochu na průzkum! Takto jsem objevila krásné místo, které jsem měla takřka pod nosem!

4) If you discover an interesting wall or street but the stuff that is a bit further in the background is disturbing in your photos or does not look good, use a camera lens that creates bokeh in the photos (with a bit of skill you can also blur the background in photoshop) - this way you will be able to use the nice part of the place.
4) Poud objevíte třeba nějakou zajímavou stěnu nebo ulici, ale zbytek v pozadí by působil rušivě nebo by nebyl hezký, použijte objektiv, který vytváří hodně bokeh (s trochou snahy lze efekt rozmazání pozadí vytvořit i v photoshopu) - takto budete moci využít jen tu hezkou část místa.

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  1. Great tips!! We don't tend to seek out locations for photoshoots, we simply take photos as we go, but this is so interesting and helpful to those who do!

  2. I usually take advantage of the wide openness of here in Texas, don't really look at photo-shoots just use what I have.

    1. It is really hard for me to find places with wide openness, I envy you this resource ;)

  3. Nice tips and really interesting places for photoshoot lovers :)

  4. I agree people should never disclose their exact location. Crazy things have happened before! Great tips.

    Ivelisse |

  5. I use street art as my aesthetic but it is always fun discovering some new street art spots for my photos. Loving the video x

  6. Great tips. Yes, don't say exactly where you are! Scary. Love the mask, cracked me up.

  7. Nice tips...yep its always a chanllenge to find new spaces and ideas for photoshoots and we kind of end up choosing the same place most of the time!...need to change that

  8. I feel like exploring is becoming a lost art lol. It's amazing what beautiful places you can find by just taking a different route or stopping in a new place.

  9. I am forever looking for new locations to take photos and find something beautiful just to snapshot a moment of. Carrying some sort of camera at all times hoping to find something unique.

    1. I like to carry around my camera too, it happened to me a few times that I was angry at myself that I did not have the camera with me and had to take low quality pics with phone.

  10. This is just the type of informative post that i have been hunting for, as I am always trying to source new locations to shoot.

  11. I love that every street seems to have a hidden gem. I tend to get too shy to do photoshoots in busy areas, but it's great to explore different locations and just go for it.


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