...put some fruit in your tap water. I never liked fizzy water and I personally don´t like water with artificial flavours because they just taste weird but during hot weather I became almost addicted to water with some strawberries cut in slices, with mint leaves, with grated fresh ginger root and some lemon juice or with lavender and lemon juice.
I found out that the lavender lemonade can be created very easily for such a fancy drink! Just put 2 or 3 lavender blooms (dried or fresh) in a cup and pour in hot water. When it gets cold, put it in a 1 l bottle, add water and a bit of juice from lemon. You can also add some honey to make the drink sweet. You can leave the lavender plant in the water or you can remove it if you don´t like it floating inside of the bottle or your glass.
Experiment a little with your favourite fruits and stay refreshed and fit!
...dejte si trochu ovoce do kohoutkové vody. Perlivé vody moc nemusím a osobně ani nemám ráda kupované ochucené vody, protože mi prostě chutnají tak trochu divně. Během horkých dnů jsem se však stala takřka závislou na vodě s trochu nakrájených jahod, s lístky máty, s nastrouhaným čerstvým zázvorem a šťávou z cintronu nebo s evandulí a citronovou šťávou.
Zjistila jsem, že levandulová limča lze připravit celkem snadno, ačkoliv zní tak "vznešeně". Prostě dejte dvě, tři levandulává květenství (sušená nebo čerstvá) do hrnku a zalijte horkou vodou. Až vychladne, přelijte výluh do litrové lahve, dolijte vodou a přidejte trochu citronové šťávy. Dle chuti můžete přidat i med na oslazení. Levanduli můžete nechat plavat ve vodě nebo ji zcedit, pokud by vám vadila.
Zaexperimentujte si se svým oblíbeným ovocem a buďte hydratovaní a fit!
I need to start trying to do this as I know loads of people have warm lemon water in the mornings and it can help curb snacking. I need this! x
ReplyDeleteI drink the warm lemon water in the morning sometimes too! Most of the time it makes me sweat so probably some detox is going on in the body.
DeleteI use to put lemon, some ginger root and cinnamon in my waterbottle ♥ Super detox! xx
ReplyDeleteI have actually never tried to put cinnamon in a cold drink, I use it when sick with hot ginger tea, it is supposedly antibacterial too.
DeleteThis is actually a pretty good idea. I heard that cucumber water is also very good for you.
ReplyDeleteYes, cucumber is nice, although I never put it in water at home, I drink it only when on some event :D
DeleteI love fruit and herb infused water. It especially helped me kick a Diet Coke habit! My favorites are blueberry + mint and strawberry + basil. A way to take it up a notch? Invest in a soda stream .. it'll give you a bit of fizz as well!
ReplyDeletethat's a great idea! both for carrying it in the bag (even though I love simple water) and to keep at home for your guests and for yourself
ReplyDeleteI never tried this! because i like my water to be just water. But it looks like a good idea to do in the summer season.
ReplyDeleteI love the picture. I know I have seen put cucumbers and mint in tap water. That is a strong flavor. I am curious to what it would taste like with just a little bit of fruit, aside from lemon.
ReplyDeleteI generally either put frozen raspberries in my water or squeeze in a lemon :) So refreshing and healthy!
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of putting some sort of fruit in my water as it might encourage me to increase my fluid intake. Great idea x