I remember when I was a kid it was deemed almost a taboo to wear more that one pattern in your outfit. Years later this taboo was broken during fashion weeks and now noone raises an eyebrow when stripes and checkers are combined. Well, it requires a bit of skill or attitude to be able to make it work because mixing patterns can be a bit tricky. I might have some tips up in my sleeve when it comes to combining patterns but be aware these might not work universally on everything, ok?
Vzpomínám si na to, jak v mém dětství bylo kombinování různých vzorů v jednom outfitu považováno skoro za tabu. Léta na to bylo toto tabu zrušeno na přehlídkových molech fashion weeků a nikdo dnes už ani nepozvedne obočí nad zkombinováním proužků a čtverců. Chce to samozřejmě trochu cviku a možná i sebevědomí, aby to fungovalo, protože kombinování různých vzorů může být trochu ošidné. Pokud do toho chcete jít, pak pro vás mám pár tipů, které sice nejsou univerzální, ale mohou pomoci.
1) It is easier to make the patterns look good together when they have the same colour in them. As an example look at the first picture - the red colour is in both patterns, which makes the outfit look more cohesive.
1) Různé vzory je snadnější zkombinovat, pokud obsahují stejnou barvu. Jako příklad může posloužit hned první obrázek - červená barva je přítomna v obou vzorech, což vytváří dojem soudržnosti, ačkoliv jde o odlišné vzory.
2) Style together patterns that are the same but in a different scale. You might use also some colour blocking with this. For example tight with small polka dots and dress with big polka dots - as can be seen on my recent fashion illustration of Kate Spade dress. The repeated shape will make the look cohesive.
2) Zkombinujte stejné vzory různé velikosti. V tomto případě můžete uplatnit i colour blocking. Například punčocháče s malými puntíky a šaty s velkými puntíky - tahle technika je k vidění na mé poslední módní ilustraci šatů od Kate Spade. Opakování vzoru opět vytvoří dojem soudržnosti v outfitu.
3) You can choose one print to be the dominant one in your outfit - a piece of clothing that will immediately catch eye of others, for example dress or coat. Then you can choose another print that will be just an accent. This one will not be as striking as the dominant one.
3) Také si můžete vybrat jeden vzor, který bude ve vašem oděvu dominantní - kus oděvu, který ihned zaujme, např. kabát nebo šaty. Pak si můžete vybrat další vzor, který však už bude jen akcentem, tento kousek oděvu nebude tak nápadný jako ten dominantní kus.
4) Coordinating together the same patterns but in inverted colours will look also fabulous!
4) Zkombinujte totožné vzory v převrácených barvách, bude to vypadat skvěle!
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Great tips girl! Mixing prints and patterns is the work of an expert!
ReplyDeleteThank you, I hope they were helpful :)
DeleteYou're absolutely rights - the prints, patterns an colours all work brilliantly together. You are so creative when it comes to mixing it up!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I like to try new things (it does not always work out but sometimes I discover something interesting).
DeleteI mix prints all the time now but I never really used to about 3 years ago. I like mixing a neutral coloured print with a colourful one so it can correspond because I can't stand clashing colours
Me too, it came to me like 2 years ago, not sure what influenced me :D
DeleteThese are such great tips! Styling patterns can absolutely be tricky but you did it perfectly!
ReplyDeleteBelle | www.OneAwesomeMomma.com
Thank you! Yes, it can be quite a challenge :)
DeleteYes, keeping patterns in the same color family is so key! These pieces that you styled go really well together!
ReplyDeleteThanks for these tips! You've made it very easy to follow.
DeleteLove this! I always have a hard time mixing patterns, but I love how you did it!
ReplyDeleteI was just telling someone yesterday how I was no good at this! Thanks for the awesome post!
ReplyDeletei love mixing patterns and you did it so well!
These patterns are very unique. You match it really well.
ReplyDeleteWow you look beautiful and great job with mixing patterns!
ReplyDeleteIM jealous of where you live..I am dying to see Europe, All of it! Thanks for visiting my blog..
Maple Leopard
As much as possible, I stay away from patterns because I don't know how to style them, but those cozy sweater is simply gorgeous. This is such a cute outfit Georgiana :)