Mexican eucalyptus is an amazing plant that can help you prevent runny nose. Obviously, not a 100 % remedy but it can help. Place it in your bedroom and smell it from time to time. The plant has a pleasant eucalyptus smell that is not disturbing at all. The plus is that this plant is not demanding at all, it does not need to be watered often and it will thrive in a place that is partly in shade.
Rýmovník je skvělá rostlinka, která působí preventivně proti rýmě. Samozřejmě, není to 100% lék, ale může pomoci. Umístěte si ji v ložnici a čas od času k ní přičichněte. Rostlina má příjemnou euklyptovou vůni, která však nepůsobí rušivě. Výhodou této rostliny je, že není nijak náročná na pěstování, stačí jí občasná zálivka a bude se jí dařit v polostínu.
Thanks for sharing this.
ReplyDeleteGeorgiana, when you commented on another blog that you are "a proud cat person," I just had to visit your blog! I'm going to look for this plant. If I'm to have a houseplant, it must be one that doesn't require attention.
ReplyDeleteIt is pretty miraculous, it survives even in my appartment and I do not exactly have "green fingers" although I always try my best! I am telling myself it is because the plants are not in the ground on a garden where they should be but in a pot on my window.