Waiting for summer days | OOTD

georgiana quaint, quaintrelle georgiana, outfit, ootd, personal style blog, czech fashion, clothes by me, selfmade dress, diy dess, lolita fashion, 1950s silhouette
| dress: handmade by me | white belt: vintage | boots: Humanic | black tights with holes |

The title of this post says is all: I am waiting for summer days, impatiently. It was aready pretty nice and sunny, 20 degrees on average but then it jumped back to zero! It was even snowing a bit! I pulled out of my wardrobe the winter coat, gloves and beanie once again. I was hoping we will be reunited again maybe in November, but certainly not in April. Craziness.
Název tohoto článku mluví za vše: již vyhlížím letní dny, nedočkavě. Už bylo celkem pěkně slunečno, kolem 20 stupňů a najednou temploty skočily zpátky k nule! Dokonce i trochu zasněžilo! Z šatníku jsem musela vytáhnout zimní kabát, rukavice a čepici a to jsem doufala, že se opět shledáme až někdy v listopadu, určitě ne v dubnu. Šílenost.

These pictures were taken during that short warm period of time, when it was almost as if in summer, just the morning and evenings were colder. I am wearing my favourite dress I made and could have already been seen several times on my blog that I adorned with white vintage belt, when looking more closely it can already be seen that the belt was worn quite a bit but I really love it. I combined it with warm woolen tights that have little holes in them that create a pattern because the pale skin can be seen underneath them. I am wearing a pair of my winter boots, as I said, the mornings were still rather cold and I´d rather stay warm and not catch cold.
Tyto fotky jsem nafotila během té krátké doby, kdy bylo celkem teplo, skoro se až zdálo, že už je léto, jen rána a večery byly chladnější. Mám na sobě mé oblíbené šaty, které jsem si ušila a na blogu jste je již mohli několikrát vidět. Tentokrát jsem je přepásala bílým vintage páskem. Když se na něj zblízka podívám, je znát, že byl celkem nošený, ale mám jej fakt ráda. Šaty jsem dále zkombinovala s teplými vlněnými punčocháči s dírami. Prosvítající světlá kůže pod nimi dává vyniknout jejich vzoru. Dále na sobě mám zimní boty, jak říkám, rána jsou ještě chladná a raději se přiobleču, abych nenastydla.

georgiana quaint, quaintrelle georgiana, outfit, ootd, personal style blog, czech fashion, clothes by me, selfmade dress, diy dess, lolita fashion, 1950s silhouette

georgiana quaint, quaintrelle georgiana, outfit, ootd, personal style blog, czech fashion, clothes by me, selfmade dress, diy dess, lolita fashion, 1950s silhouette

georgiana quaint, quaintrelle georgiana, outfit, ootd, personal style blog, czech fashion, clothes by me, selfmade dress, diy dess, lolita fashion, 1950s silhouette


  1. Crochet tights are a good way to stay warm and look good


  2. You are so talented. How amazing that you made this dress! I love how you paired it with the crochet tights to keep cozy x

  3. Oh wow this is stunning!! I love those tights and especially how you've styled them with the dress and boots. Gorgeous outfit!

  4. Beautiful you! How amazing that you made your dress .. it fits you beautifully. I also love your tights and boots. Such a great look for warm springtime weather!

  5. I am a huge fan of boots and I am loving those! I think it's perfect for the cold weather but you can also wear it during Spring. I love your outfit!

  6. That is one gorgeous outfit! I really like your dress and how you styled it with the boots and the tights. It's really nice.

  7. Love the look and how you styled it!



  8. What a cute outfit! You made the dress? That is amazing - I wish I had those skills!

  9. You're talented! You can design and make your own dress, and the dress is beautiful. Great style!

  10. Cute outfit I love wearing my boots with everything, I don't have to get my toes done :)!

  11. I love how you have totally toughened up this chic girly dress with the boots. Plus some fab tights

  12. The book of Matthieu Ricard and a Buddhist monk seems interesting to read. I love to learn more about meditation.


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