#16 Let´s try to...

...write down your successes. Have you ever had a day when you thought everything went wrong and you did not succeed in anything? Think again, I believe you did have some kind of a success that day, this can just be a little thing and don´t let the negative things override the whole day. Sometimes I can be very unhappy about one thing that went wrong, which can totally destroy my whole day although there was also some positive stuff happening but it is just overriden by the black cloud of negativity, regret and self-accusation. What I am about to propose is to get a nice little notebook and write down one (or more if you had a good day) success each day. When you feel under the weather you can open it and draw some positive energy from it because you will suddenly see that you also have some successes, you can pull things off!
...si zapisovat své úspěchy.
Už jste někdy měli pocit, že se vám některý den prostě nic nedaří? Zamyslete se nad svým dnem znovu a nenechte negativní věci, aby na sebe strhly veškerou vaši pozornost. Občas se dokážu nervovat kvůli nějaké věci, která se mi zrovna nepovedla, což mi naprosto zkazí den, ačkoliv ten den se toho stalo mnohem více včetně pozitivních věcí, avšak vše je zahaleno černým mrakem neúspěchu, výčitek a sebeobviňování. Chci vám proto nevrhnout jak z toho ven: pořiďte si malý zápisník, do kterého si budete každý den zapisovat jeden úspěch (nebo i klidně více pokud jste měli super den). Až na vás zase spadne splín, můžete se do zápisníku podívat a uvidíte, že to s vámi rozhodně není zlé a že dokážete mít i úspěchy!


  1. Great idea! We all have our ups and downs, so it's vital to draw positive energy from our sometimes overlooked successes. Thank you for the tip. Will try to implement in future.

  2. Great post, I have a notebook for my feelings, I find it really helps me :)

  3. I used to write in my journal daily ever since I was a little girl. Haven't done in a while. But you've just reminded me to do do so :) Dean of Little Steps

  4. I always kept a diary as a child, and right up into adulthood. I think now my blog has become a little like a diary, but I do struggle with positive thinking!

    1. I have to say that my blog is somewhat a diary, especially in the past there could be clearly seen what interests me now and what aesthetic influences me at the moment.

  5. Such a great idea - I had a whole week like that where I just felt really frustrated at how little I had achieved, I wish I had read this then!

  6. I love this idea. I really think surrounding yourself with your positive moments and ideas is key to having a good day or turning a bad day into a good one! I love your little article as it's so easy to read and provides just enough information for me to learn something new. Fantastic blog!


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