Open House Praha 2017

The past weekend Open House Praha took place and I couldn´t miss this opportunity to visit places that are usually not accessible for a mere mortal ;). This post will be a bit more picture heavier than usually since I want to show you some interesting places I visited. In the end we checked out four places that had more or less an industrial vibe.
Minulý víken se konala akce Open House Praha, kterou jsem si nemohla nechat ujít, protože posytuje možnost navštívit místa, která jsou pro normálního smrtelníka ;) normálně nepřístupná. Tento článek obsahuje více fotek než obvykle, protože se chci podělit o pár fotek ze zajímavých míst, která jsem navštívila. Celkem jsme se podívali na čtyři místa, která byla spíše industriálního charakteru.

open house praha 2017, urbex, urban explorers, nákladové nádraží žižkov, cargo railway station žižkov, telekomunikační úřad, libeňský plynojem, gasholder, palmovka, open doors day, velodrom, industrial building, technical facility, where to go praha

First we went to the cargo railway station at Žižkov. This building is not used any more for its original purpose and is being left to decay. Some parts are being used as a storage place but the whole object is huge. For the time being there are some developers that have an idea what to do with the place (most probably tear it down and build a residence area because it has quite a good location in the city).
Nejdříve jsme se podívali na bývalé nákladové nádraží na Žižkově. ttao budova již není ke svému původnímu účelu využívaná a víceméně je ponechána svému osudu (rozpadu). Některé části jsou používané jako sklad, ale celkově je tento objekt obrovský. V současnosti by měli někteří developeři nápad na využití plochy (po stržení celé budovy by tu pravděpodobně vyrostla rezidenční čtvrť vzhledem k velmi dobré poloze).

open house praha 2017, urbex, urban explorers, nákladové nádraží žižkov, cargo railway station žižkov, telekomunikační úřad, libeňský plynojem, gasholder, palmovka, open doors day, velodrom, industrial building, technical facility, where to go praha

open house praha 2017, urbex, urban explorers, nákladové nádraží žižkov, cargo railway station žižkov, telekomunikační úřad, libeňský plynojem, gasholder, palmovka, open doors day, velodrom, industrial building, technical facility, where to go praha

Our next stop was a velodrom that is hidden in a very nice city part Strašnice with family houses that are quite well shilded from the traffic and the big streets in Prague.
Naší delší zastávkou byl velodrom, který je ukrytý ve velmi pěkné pražské čtvrti Strašnice, kde jsou převážně rodinné domky, které jsou uchráněny ruchu z dopravy a velkých ulic Prahy.
open house praha 2017, urbex, urban explorers, nákladové nádraží žižkov, cargo railway station žižkov, telekomunikační úřad, libeňský plynojem, gasholder, palmovka, open doors day, velodrom, industrial building, technical facility, where to go praha

open house praha 2017, urbex, urban explorers, nákladové nádraží žižkov, cargo railway station žižkov, telekomunikační úřad, libeňský plynojem, gasholder, palmovka, open doors day, velodrom, industrial building, technical facility, where to go praha

Then we headed to the Libeň gasholder near Palmovka. This object used to be quite a good point of orientation but nowadays it is a bit more hidden by a park with trees that is around it and also by the buildings. Back in the days there was nothing around it to hide it so it was seen really well from afar. The gasholder was also a target during the second world war and although it was hit the damage was not that serious because by that time the gasholder did not have any gas in it anymore.
Následně naše kroky vedly k libeňskému plynojemu u Palmovky. Tento objekt býval velmi dobrým orientačním místem, ale v současnosti je již trochu zakryt parkem se stromy v jeho bezprostředním okolí a dále budovami opodál. V dřívějších dobách v jeho okolí ale nic nebývalo, takže byl vidět z dálky. Za druhé světové války se stal terčem, avšak tou dobou v něm již nebyl plyn uskladněn, takže nedošlo k závažným škodám.

 open house praha 2017, urbex, urban explorers, nákladové nádraží žižkov, cargo railway station žižkov, telekomunikační úřad, libeňský plynojem, gasholder, palmovka, open doors day, velodrom, industrial building, technical facility, where to go praha

Our last stop was a Telecommunication office (located opposite to the Žižkov station I mentioned above) with its huge technical facility. It was interesting to see all the hardware stuff that still exists in there and is still used nowadays. The tour was ended by visiting the  tower of the building that has a magnificent view. We had a bit bad luck because it just started raining so the range of vision was smaller but it was still interesting to see Prague from this place. I actually never realized there are so many trees on the cemetries that are surrounding the place, it looks like a huge park.
Naše poslední exkurze byla v budově Telekomunikačního úřadu (hned naproti žižkovskému nádraží, které jsem zmínila výše), což je obrovská budova. Bylo zajímavé vidět všechen hardware, který se dodnes používá. Naše exkurze byla zakončena na věži, odkud je skvělý výhled. Bohužel jsme měli trochu smůlu, protože zrovna sprchlo a byla bouřka, takže dohlednost byla menší. I přesto bylo zajímavé vidět Prahu z tohoto místa. Nikdy jsem si totiž neuvědomila jaké množství stromů je na hřbitovech v okolí, zeshora to vypadalo jako obrovský park.

open house praha 2017, urbex, urban explorers, nákladové nádraží žižkov, cargo railway station žižkov, telekomunikační úřad, libeňský plynojem, gasholder, palmovka, open doors day, velodrom, industrial building, technical facility, where to go praha

open house praha 2017, urbex, urban explorers, nákladové nádraží žižkov, cargo railway station žižkov, telekomunikační úřad, libeňský plynojem, gasholder, palmovka, open doors day, velodrom, industrial building, technical facility, where to go praha


  1. Your photos are grest! Nothing this cool ever happens here! I am jealous! Maybe I could visit lol

    1. That sucks :/. I remember like 10 years ago there was nothing like this either but then some kind of boom of "open doors" events happened and I am unable to keep track on all these events now although I would love to visit them more.

  2. These are lovely photos. The open house sounds good. I would love to see it myself one day!

    1. Thank you! The worst thing is to get informed in time that something like this is happening.

  3. The open house reminds me of the art style 'brutalism' and I have a friend who would be a fan , just because of open houses architectural design. I like the sound of the telecommunications office x

    1. Yes, these buildings were quite close to brutalism but there were also others opened, but it was too much to fit it in one day.

  4. I love the picture of the city in the last shot here. It's very beautiful. I also loved the telecommunications office. I am curious about the round structure there. Looks like it was a good trip.

    1. The round structure is a gasholder, now not used for holding gas but for experimentation for aviation.

  5. Beautiful photos. I am sad that these structures were just left to the mercy of the elements. I hope they find a good purpose for them.

    1. I think that the cargo railway station is the most decayed and unused, we will see in the future...

  6. It looks like you had good fun and learning about the different hardware structures you visited. The pictures look detailed.


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Thank you for your input, I will get back to you as soon as possible! :3