May through the Instagram´s eye

Instagram is my favourite social media sites where I try to post daily, be it regular posts or temporaty Instagram stories that I recently "discovered" (yeah, feels like I discovered America!).  Recently I started to make myself post only certain things on my Instagram account to make it look more curated and eye catching in order to attract more followers. What I find amazing about the Stories is that I don´t need to curate the content as vigilantly and can post whatever pleases me.
Instagram je mou nejoblíbenější sociální sítí, na níž přispívám skoro denně, ať už jde o klasické fotky nebo dočasné Instagram stories, které jsem nedávno "objevila" (jop, objevila jsem Ameriku!). Nedávno jsem se donutila vytvořit určité téma na svém pofilu, aby feed vypadal více soudržně a líbivě, abych získala více odběratelů. Na Instagram stories se mi právě líbí, že nemusím tolik dodržovat téma a určitou estetiku, prostě zveřejňuji, co se mi líbí.

So, what is happening in here? I was traveling a bit in May but fluffy home slippers are the best! I am stalking all the Vespas I meet wherever I go. I enjoyed some coffees and shopped a little (I snatched these beautiful green pumps and two dresses) in a new boutique I found when wandering through Plzeň, it is called Vintage & new (Klatovská street) and you should visit it if you have an opportunity. I started a little garden on my window ledge and am almost shocked how much water some plants need but ok, it is quite hot these days, which is why I like homemade lemonades while learning some new (and old) French vocabulary.

Trochu vám osvětlím co se na těchto fotkách děje. V květnu jsem trochu cestovala, ale moje domácí plyšové pantofle jsou stejně nej! Nadále stalkuju každou Vespu, kterou při svých toulkách městskými ulicemi potkám. Vypila jsem pár kafí a trochu nakupovala (získala jsem tyto krásné zelené botky a dvoje šaty) v novém obchůdku, který jsem objevila v Plzni, jmenuje se Vintage & new (Klatovská ul. mezi tramvajovými zastávkami U Práce a Masarykovo nám.) a budete-li mít příležitost, určitě mrkněte dovnitř. Na okenní římse jsem začala trochu zahradničit a docela mě šokuje kolik vody některé rostliny vyžadují, ale ok, poslední dny byl celkem hic, proto jsem si i já užívala domácí limonády, zatimco jsem se učila (a opakovala) slovíčka z francouzštiny.


  1. I've discovered instastories and can't imagine not watching them now, I love it. What's your IG name?

    1. I enjoy them a ton too! I can be found under @quaintrelle.georgiana

  2. Ah I love instagram too - I've only just started bothering with stories - I couldn't see the point but I think, like you say, they do allow you to be more free about what you post.

    1. I think they are fun, now that they also enabled to hashtag and geotag them you can expand your reach if lucky.

  3. I love IG too. Kind of not getting my head around stories yet - will need to study that a little bit more. I do like your stories though. Seem like you have done a lot in May.

    1. Hehe, and I am not posting that much to be honest, I have seen some accounts tha share a looot, like 15-20, especially when they travel or are on some event. Personally I think it is too much.

  4. I love instagram, although Im not bothered with stories. Lovely month, I want to learn french

    1. I love a lot of French things so I am learning French too (not easy I must say) and this way I am learning new vocabulary or revisiting what I *should* already know. I have the word written in french on one side of the card and in my native language on the other. You can do these yourself :)

  5. I love how you've shared your Instagram posts; really clever idea
    Learning some new French - how's it going?!

    1. I have to make myself to find some time every day for the French, I would love to watch more movies but they are quite hard to be found.

  6. Love this. So informative. I've been trying to figure out the theme for my IG also x

  7. I do this too. I've been a bit inconsistent with stories though, but it's one of my goals for July to aim to do stories daily.


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