I visited Rothenburg ob der Tauber and you should too

This is the second time I visited Rothenburg ob der Tauber, a small town with beautiful medieval buildings and almost complete fortification, and I am in love for its almost fairy tale atmosphere. Before you start searching in your maps you should know one thing - there is more than Rothenburg in Germany but there is only one Rothenburg ob der Tauber.
Toto je podruhé, co jsem navštívila Rothenburg ob der Tauber, malé městečko s krásnými středověkými budovami a téměř kompletními hradbami kolem města, a jeho pohádkovou atmosféru jsem si zamilovala. Než se vrhnete na hledání v mapě, měla bych vás upozornit na to, že Rothenburgů je v Německu hned několik, ale Rothenburg ob der Tauber je jen jeden.

visit rothenburg, fortification, medieval architecture, german medieval town, harry potter filming, butterbrezel, rothenburg ob der tauber, georgiana quaint, travelogue, travel blog

I think you will enjoy the city most if you walk through it (with a pretzel "Butterbrezel" in your hand) and then climb on the fortification walls that ar around it. The entrance is for free and it provides a beautiful view over the city. You can enter or leave it at several places, which means you do not have to complete the whole route.
Myslím si, že město si nejvíce užijete, když se skrze něj  projdete (s preclíkem "Butterbrezel" v ruce) a pak vylezete na hradby, které jsou kolem města. Vstupné na hradby je zdarma a nabízí moc hezký výhled na město. Na hradby můžete vylézt nebo je opustit na několika místech, takže nutně nemusíte absolvovat celý okruh.

visit rothenburg, fortification, medieval architecture, german medieval town, harry potter filming, butterbrezel, rothenburg ob der tauber, georgiana quaint, travelogue, travel blog

visit rothenburg, fortification, medieval architecture, german medieval town, harry potter filming, butterbrezel, rothenburg ob der tauber, georgiana quaint, travelogue, travel blog

What surprised me is the number of Christmas themed shops in the city where you can buy very pretty Christmas decorations, I especially liked the ones made of wood. From what I understood the city is quite known for its Christmas Museum, which explains the Christmas frenzy (even in the middle May). In this museum you can see old Christmas cards, Advent calendars and tree ornaments.
Co mě překvapilo bylo množství vánočních obchodů, kde je možno si zakoupit vánoční ozdoby. Mě se obzvláště líbily dřevěné. Zjistila jsem, že toto město je celkem známé pro své Vánoční muzeum, které vysvětluje vánoční šílenství (které probíhá i uprostřed května). V tomto muzeu si můžete prohlédnout staré vánoční pohledy, adventní kalendáře a ozdoby. na stromeček

visit rothenburg, fortification, medieval architecture, german medieval town, harry potter filming, butterbrezel, rothenburg ob der tauber, georgiana quaint, travelogue, travel blog

visit rothenburg, fortification, medieval architecture, german medieval town, harry potter filming, butterbrezel, rothenburg ob der tauber, georgiana quaint, travelogue, travel blog

Another thing that caught my eye was a huge (it was bigger than me!) teddy bear in the entrance of one of the shops. I had to take a picture... and then some more pictures of the smaller teddy bears. It looked like the majority of the tourists passing by this door and teddy bear had to take a picture hugging the huge teddy (and I don´t blame them).
Dále mě zaujal obrovský (větší než já!) plyšový medvěd ve vchodu do jednoho obchodu. Musela jsem jej vyfotit... a pak také několik dalších malých medvědů. Cětšina turistů, co šla kolem neodolala a nechala se s tímto medvědem vyfotit (ani se jim nedivím).

visit rothenburg, fortification, medieval architecture, german medieval town, harry potter filming, butterbrezel, rothenburg ob der tauber, georgiana quaint, travelogue, travel blog

visit rothenburg, fortification, medieval architecture, german medieval town, harry potter filming, butterbrezel, rothenburg ob der tauber, georgiana quaint, travelogue, travel blog

I think that Harry Potter fans will be delighted to hear that Rothenburg was used for filming The Deathly Hallows movies, would you recognize it? It is in the movie just for a while when the Elderwand is stolen.
Fandové Harryho Pottera určitě potěší, že Rothenburg byl použit jako kulisa pro filmování Deathly Hollows, poznáte jej? Ve filmu se jen mihne, když je kradena Elderwand.

visit rothenburg, fortification, medieval architecture, german medieval town, harry potter filming, butterbrezel, rothenburg ob der tauber, georgiana quaint, travelogue, travel blog

visit rothenburg, fortification, medieval architecture, german medieval town, harry potter filming, butterbrezel, rothenburg ob der tauber, georgiana quaint, travelogue, travel blog

If you have a bit more time you can leave the town and have a walk through the picturesque Tauber valley. You can go there from the remnants of the Rothenburg castle (in these days there is a lovely garden on its place and a placard that explains how the castle probably looked and what happened to it). While on the walk you can visit another pretty village and if you go further and make it a bit longer trip you can also see old mills on the river.
Pokud máte trochu více času, pak se můžete vydat na procházku do údolí řeky Tauber v okolí. Můžete do něj vyrazit ze zahrad, které leží na místě hradu, který již neexistuje (cedule v zahradě objasňuje jak asi hrad dřív vypadal a co se s ním stalo). Na procházce můžete navštívit další maleboun vesničku a pokud se vydáte na trochu delší tůru, pak můžete vidět i staré mlýny na řece.

visit rothenburg, fortification, medieval architecture, german medieval town, harry potter filming, butterbrezel, rothenburg ob der tauber, georgiana quaint, travelogue, travel blog

Rothenburg is becoming a favourite destination for a visit because of its architecture but it is not as packed as Venice for example. If you want to enjoy the city a bit more alone you can decide to stay overnight because most of the visitors just visit the town for a few hours during the day and then they return home or leave for another city.
Rothenburg se v současnosti stává vyhledávaným turistickým cílem pro svou krásnou architekturu, ale nebojte se, že by byl nacpaný jako třeba Benátky. Pokud si chcete město užít bez turistů, zařiďte si zde nocleh. Většina turistů totiž Rothenburg navštíví jen na pár hodin přes den a pak se vrátí domů nebo se přesunou do dalšího města.


  1. What a fantastic place - and your photos show it to its best, I think. One to seek out... Kx

  2. What a beautiful place, I have never been there, but I will remember it to see if I can go, I like to travel and the photos you show are magnificent, so the place is worth visiting.

    1. Thank you, I really enjoy taking pictures and architecture is my favourite "model".

  3. Would love to visit Germany too. I love mooching around small towns like this one. Also loving your photos, especially of the roof-top tiles :) - Dean of Little Steps

    1. The rooftops are pretty. I like to photograph them everywhere where I get the opportunity. My pictures of rooftops are from Paris :)

  4. Wow! This place if so beautiful! It is incredible how old town is still intact and alive. Just lovely!

    1. It is! If I understood it correctly the town was damager in WW2 so they had to rebuild some parts but they were able to do it very well.

  5. Oh this place looks amazing! It's definitely somewhere I would love to go, I love places like this! Gorgeous photos. xx

    1. Thank you. It is very pretty, if you have an opportunity I recommend the visit :)

  6. What a lovely place, it looks so picturesque and charming! xo

  7. What a beautiful place! It's looks like such a beautiful place with lots of amazing sights to see and things to do.

  8. What a cute city. I really love the architecture and the houses. I could definitly see myself spending a few weeks here.

  9. Oh what a gorgeous town! I can't believe they filmed a tiny bit of Harry Potter here, although I'd totally get it by the looks of the village. It seems peaceful, and I'd love to visit someday, how you described it makes me really wanna go. <3
    You have a really good blog! I enjoy your content, I'd love if we can follow each other on Bloglovin maybe? Do let me know :) Have a nice day!

    Joanne | Life in Blue Skies

  10. Oh wow these photos are gorgeous! Another place to add to my travel list


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