June in Insta Stories

It is already 10 days since June ended and I finally found some time to do a recap of my most interesting (hopefully) Instagram Stories that I posted in June. Till now I had a vacation with a very  limited access to the internet so I was not updating much. (I visited Šumava national park and did a bit of hiking and then I traveled to Karlovy Vary where a film festival takes place. This year I was there for the 9th time.)
Už je to 10 dní od konce června a až teď jsem si bašla trochu času na rekapitulaci nejzajímavějších (snad) Instagram Stories, které jsem v červnu sdílela. Až doteď jsem byla na dovolené s velmi omezeným přístupem na internet, takže jsem nebyla schopná moc přispívat. (Byla jsem na Šumavě, kde jsem byla na pár túrách a hned pak jsem jela do Karlových Varů na filmový festival. Letos již podeváté.)

instagram stories, georgiana quaint, june 2017, instagram recap, what is new, hot weather, juicing, smoothie, fruit

This June was in the name of hot weather. So I shared a lot of smoothies, juices and food. On one hand I am really grateful that we have an air-conditioner in the office on the other hand it is quite a shock when I leave the office. It was a bit sad to see all the grass lawns dry, basically brown, because we did not enjoy much rain. (It is great to have a nice warm summer but extremes are... extreme. I would not be mad if it rained a little during the nights for example.) I was also hiking a bit. The system of the touristic signs is very good in the Czech Republic (you can see one of the signs on the second picture in the lower left corner), so if you have an opportunity I encourage you to give it a try.
Tento červen byl ve znamení horkých dnů, takže jsem sdílela hodně různých smoothies, džusíků a jídla. Na jednu stranu jsem sice vděčná za klimatizaci v práci, ale na druhou stranu je to dosti šok, když vyjdu ven. Bylo celkem smutné vidět sluncem spálené hnědé trávníky, protože pořádně nezapršelo. (Ano, je fajn, když je hezky teplé léto, ale extrémy jsou... extrémní. Vůbec bych se nezlobila, kdyby trochu sprchlo třeba v noci.) Také jsem byla na pár pěších výletech. Systém značení turistických cest v ČR je dost dobrý (jednu značku můžete vidět v levém dolním rohu), takže budete-li mít možnost, určitě podnikněte nějaký výlet.

instagram stories, georgiana quaint, june 2017, instagram recap, what is new, hot weather, juicing, smoothie, fruit


  1. I'm spending my summer in the Czech Republic. I actually was going to go to Karlovy Vary but opted to perhaps go another weekend. It sounds like your June was great!

    1. That is great to hear! During the film festival Karlovy Vary is full of people, overcrowded really, and it can be hard finding an accomodation (people usually book their hotels months in advance), the prices at restaurants also go a bit higher during the festival. So if you are not interested in the festival or the parties connected to it it is a wise choice to visit the city at some other time and enjoy the calm health resort atmosphere.

  2. Oh I love your instastories!! We have been strawberry picking this week so our instastories have focused a lot on strawberries too!

  3. Your Insta stories are so much fun. Like the one of leaving the air conditioned office because I can totally relate.

    1. Thank you. Going from 23 dgr. room to 34 dgr. outside is quite a shock :D

  4. That banana is the perfect ripeness to make a faux pancake or banana bread! At my work I need a better air conditioner - I am always hot at work!

  5. It looks like you had a pretty full June. Here in the UK we are still waiting for the summer so I envy you that you have had so many hot days. To be honest, I don't think it will arrive to us anytime soon this year as it's already almost September. Having smoothies every day is such a great way of keeping healthy!

  6. That chocolate covered pretzel looks like the perfect breakfast if you ask me!

  7. Ooh I want an iced coffee! But the weather in August doesn't warrant it :( Great to review your pics and look back on your experiences


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