The blogger´s hats

What does it take to be a blogger? How many hats the bloggers wear? I think many people don´t think about this. The readers of the blogs might not be aware how much effort is in the background. Those who are blogging might have an idea but might still not be aware of all the aspects of blogging because I am still learning a lot, mainly through podcasts. Bloggers that have blog about fashion or lifestyle have many hats on their heads. They are photographers, copywriters and proof readers, they are stylists, art directors and production managers, they are social media experts and marketing specialists, they also need to know at least a bit about finance and law. This is impressive, isn´t it? Usually a magazine or newspaper would have a whole team and each member of the team would specialize on one of these mentioned fields and they would also get payed for this. The bloggers usually have to do all of this by themselves, they are a "full package", and somehow it is often expected that all of this work will be free content. I started to think more about these "hats" while watching Australian series Fashion Bloggers that I recommended in one of my articles. Check ot out if you are interested in behind the scenes of blogging.
Co všechno obnáší být blogerem? Kolik rolí musí bloger zastat? Myslím si, že mnozí o tom moc nepřemýšlí. Čtenáři blogů pravděpodobně mnohdy nevědí, kolik práce se schovává za blogem. Ti, kteří blogují, už asi tuší, i když stále si nemusí být vědomi všech aspektů blogování. Já se třebas stále učím, zejména posloucháním podcastů. Blogeři, kteří se soustřeďují na módu nebo životní styl, se musí cítit jako doma v mnoha rolích. Jsou fotografy, copywritery a korektory, jsou to stylisté, art directoři a produkční, potřebují být experty na sociální sítě a marketingovými specialisty, musí toho vědět aspoň trochu o financích a o zákonech. To je docela působivé, ne? Časopisy a noviny obvykle mívají celé týmy a každý člen týmu se specializuje na jednu tuto disciplínu a jsou za to samozřejmě placeni. Blogeři tohle všechno dělají sami, jsou vlastně takovým kompletním "balíčkem služeb", a tak nějak se často očekává, že to budou dělat zcela zdarma. O všech těchto rolích, ve kterých bloger je, jsem začala více uvažovat, když jsem se dívala na australský seriál Fashion Bloggers, který jsem doporučovala v jiném mém článku. Určitě se na něj podívejte, pokud vás více zajímá pozadí tvorby blogů.

bloggers hats, what does it take to be blogger,
| dress: Orsay | handbag: vintage | jacket: secondhand | hat: supermarket Globus |
| origami earrings: handmade by me |

bloggers hats, what does it take to be blogger,

bloggers hats, what does it take to be blogger,

bloggers hats, what does it take to be blogger,


  1. You are absolutely right about the number of hats bloggers wear. You have to be an expert in everything, social media, SEO, even sometimes paid advertising....Many people really don't factor that in. But it is great that the online world allows people to gather so many skills and even create their own company! (great outfit btw :)))

    1. For me it is great because it is so creative and not routine at all. One has to do a lot of different stuff and needs to educate herself to know about the latest changes in various fields.


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