Taking these photos with my tripod and timer was quite fun and challenging at the same time. It was soo windy and the vintage skirt I am wearing is from quite light material so it was having its own life... but I was reminded once again how much I like to take photos this way, no matter how many obstacles there might be, so this weak I was quite busy and did three outfit photoshoots already. Well at least I can prepare some blogposts in advance :)
Fotit tyhle fotky za pomocí stativu a samospouště byla sranda a zároveň výzva, protože bylo celkem větrno a vintage sukně, kterou mám na sobě si tak skoro žila svým životem, protože je z lehkého materiálu... ale opět jsem si připomněla, jak moc mě tahle focení baví, i přes všemožné překážky. Takže jsem byla celkem akční a tento týden nafotila hned tři outfity. Alespoň si mohu připravit pár článků dopředu :)
I am wearing a checkered vintage skirt with a candy pink petticoat underneath it. The candy pink shirt is made by me. I am also wearing a wide black belt that is also handmade by me. The matching heels with T-straps are from Tamaris. The sweetness of this outfit is crowned by the ice-cream earrings from Claire´s.
Na sobě mám kostkovanou vintage sukni, pod kterou jsem měla růžovou tylovou spodničku. K tomu jsem si oblékla růžovou košili, kterou jsem si ušila. Stejnou si můžete pořídit u mě na Fleru. Pas zvýrazňuje černý pásek, který je též mým výrobkem. K outfitu se skvěle hodily černé lodičky s pásky do T, od Tamaris. Sladkost celého outfitu korunovaly náušnice - zmrzliny - z Claire´s.
Such a lovely look - that pink is perfect on you. And the belt is a great addition! Kx
ReplyDeleteThank you! I like pink colours quite a lot now but few years earlier I would not touch them :D
Deletelove this vintage kind of style! I am so impressed that you made the shirt yourself, it looks brilliant.
DeleteThank you Rebecca, it is a huge hobby of mine to sew clothes.
DeleteOh this outfit is simply gorgeous on you! Love the shirt and belt especially x
ReplyDeleteWow you are hugely talented, the shirt is stunning and pink is definitely your colour. You have the most perfect hour glass figure xx
ReplyDeleteThank you *blushing*
DeleteYou made the belt and shirt? Really? You're very talented! ^_^
ReplyDeleteI love the vibe this outfit is giving me ❤
I can't believe you've made that top and belt, you're so clever, they look brilliant!
ReplyDeleteThank you. Sewing is something I would like to make a business from :)
DeleteWow! That's amazing you made the pink shirt! It's so gorgeous and looks lovely with the skirt. I am in awe of people who can make clothes as I am so rubbish at stuff like that.