Mercedes Benz Prague Fashion Week S/S 2018

Sooo, what have the Czech and Slowak designers prepared for us for the upcoming spring and summer 2018? I have recently visited Mercedes-Benz Prague fashion week and am bringing a brief report to you. From the amount of the photos of this collection you can simply guess that I am a big fan of Zuzana Kubíčková´s collection. The colours, fabrics, patterns, the overall femininity prevailing in her work... it is just my taste, I am amazed.
Takže, co nám čeští a slovenští návrháři připravili na nadcházející jaro a léto 2018? Nedávno jsem se podívala na Mercedes-Benz Prague fashion week a tady máte mé shrnutí. Z množství fotek této kolekce v tomto blogu si zřejmě odvodíte, že nejvíce mě nadchla kolekce Zuzany Kubíčkové. Barvy, látky, střihy, celkově převažující ženskost v jejích modelech... tohle je prostě můj šálek čaje, zamilovala jsem se.

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week
Zuzana Kubíčková

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week
Zuzana Kubíčková

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week
Zuzana Kubíčková

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week
Zuzana Kubíčková

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week
Zuzana Kubíčková

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week
Zuzana Kubíčková
This body is just perfection *.*
Tohle body je prostě dokonalost *.*

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week
Zuzana Kubíčková

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week
Zuzana Kubíčková
It is great to see the clothes on models in movement but it is equally amazing to see them on the racks because only then one can concentrate on all the tiny details and the fabric quality, which is not seen that much while the model is on the catwalk. This is also the same reason why I like to go on exhibits or at least see detailed photos of movie costumes. It is impossible for the viewer to notice all the tiny details.
Je skvělé vidět oblečení v pohybu na modelkách, ale i jen tak pověšené na ramínku, protože tehdy se můžeme soustředit na detaily oděvu a na kvalitu látky, což lze snadno přehlédnout, když kolem nás modelka proběhne. Z tohoto důvodu chodím ráda na výstavy nebo si prohlížím detailní fotografie filmových kostýmů. Pro diváka je kolikrát nemožné ihned vstřebat všechny detaily.
mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week, miro sabo
Miro Sabo

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week, miro sabo
Miro Sabo

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week, zoltán tóth
Zoltán Tóth

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week, zoltán tóth
Zoltán Tóth

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week, zoltán tóth
Zoltán Tóth

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week, zoltán tóth
Zoltán Tóth

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week, zoltán tóth
Zoltán Tóth

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week, adam kost
Adam Kost

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week, lukáš krnáč
Lukáš Krnáč

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week, lukáš krnáč
Lukáš Krnáč

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week, alter era
Alter Era

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week, alter era
Alter Era

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week, nehera

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week, mi fashion label
MI fashion label

I cannot help myself but I see some Daenery Targaryen inspiration with these dragon eggs like shaped handbags and also pendants.
Nemohu si pomoci, ale v těchto kabelkách a přívěscích prostě vidím inspiraci Daenerys Targaryen a jejími dračími vejci.

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week, mi fashion label
MI fashion label

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week, mi fashion label
MI fashion label

And last but not least (I just had to share this) a piece of creepy art (because Halloween is upon us). I always thought that putti were creepy but this is a new level of creepiness.
A na konec (prostě jsem si nemohla odpustit toto sdílet) trocha děsivého umění (když už se nám blíží ten Halloween). Vždycky jsem si myslela, že putti jsou děsivé, ale tohle to posunulo na novou úroveň.

mbpfw ss2018, prague fashion week, zuzana kubíčková collection, spring summer 2018 collection, georgiana quaint mbpfw, mercedes benz fashion week, creepy halloween art


  1. The colours and patterns are beautiful! I'm loving autumn at the minute with all the browns and oranges about. They're my favourite!

    I especially like anything with a colourful print

    1. I love autumn colours too, it is actually one of the few things that are amazing about autumn :)

  2. Omg 😲 these outfits are so so beautiful. I simply got in love with the patterns, colour schemes and the intricate designs. It's just a treat to see these pictures 🤗

  3. Wow! Some of those materials are so detailed and beautiful! What a privaledge to see these outifits so close up

    1. I agree it is amazing to see them up close :)

  4. The detailing and the patterns on the fabrics are just beautiful! What a fun time for you to be able to experience!

  5. So spring 2018 seems to be colorful! I love it! Must to amazing touching those clothes and not just look at them from far distance! I would buy that body...if I had the body and the money for it.

    1. Yeah, touching the fabric is quite an experience, they are so soft and just beautiful.

  6. Wow so many unusual fabrics and styles! I love that they are all so different, what a great experience to look through them all!

  7. wow, how colourful and beautiful designs most of these dresses have. I loved that orange gown sort of so much. Great experience to have such a closer look

  8. All of these outfits are so beautiful, I loved that backless jumpsuit; so gorgeous. True, those bags reminded me of Daenerys Targaryen's dragon eggs too. :D

    1. Right? :D Maybe it was not inspired by her but I just see GoT in it :D

  9. I am also a great lover of Vintage fashion as they carry a lots of sensuality and feminine charm. I loved all your designs specially that Miro Sabo ones. Beautiful dresses.

  10. The handbag and pendant egg style design inspired by tangaryen is so cool!

  11. Oh I love all the colors and designs. They look all so fabulous and looks so comfy.


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