This summer in Instagram stories

This summer was full of adventures for me but I was offline most of the time so I was not sharing them with you via Instagram Stories as much as I wanted to. So, I put together the best of my July and August Stories in case you have missed them :)
Toto léto bylo pro mě plné dobrodružství, avšak hodně často jsem byla bez internetu, takže jsem toho s vámi moc nenasdílela skrze Instagram stories. Své nejlepší červencové a srpnové Stories jsem tedy spojila do jednoho článku pro případ, že vám ušly :)
I am a bit torn when it comes to this - at one hand it is amazing to enjoy some time offline. It is really refreshing not to see all the bad news that are happening in the world, not to check social media and just be alone or with my family or friends. On the other hand, it creates an internet lag that I will try to catch up with the minute I get to my notebook and internet. I usually find out that there was not much that I missed while offline but sometimes I find out about events that I would enjoy but still - I would probably not find the time because I was already doing something else.
Jsem vždycky trochu rozpolcená, když jsem offline - na jednu stranu je to super. Je fajn nevědět, co špatného se děje ve světě, nekontrolovat své sociální sítě a být jen sama se sebou nebo se svou rodinou či přáteli. Na druhou stranu mám pak pocit, že mi něco uteklo a tak se to pak snažím dohnat ihned, jak se dostanu k notebooku a internetu. Většinou stejně zjistím, že se nestalo nic extra, i když občas mi takhle ušly zajímavé akce, ale stejně bych se na ně asi nedostala, protože jsem dělala něco jiného.
These Instagram Stories are mostly from my travels or weekends when I was enjoying my free time. I visited Morava, town Valtice once again this year and I think I will be returning next year too. It is so lovely place! You can see on the first picture one of the beautiful sights that are located around the town. The last picture is from town Lednice where a huge chateau is located. This is a photo of a strange statue that is in the fountain and it reminded me a lot of The Other Mother from the movie Coraline, which is wonderfully strange and if you haven´t seen it yet, you should.
Tyto Instagram Stories jsou hlavně z mých cest nebo víkendů, kdy jsem si užívala volna. Letos jsem opět navštívila Valtice a myslím, že příští rok se tam vydám zas. Je to překrásné místo! Na první fotce můžete vidět jednu ze staveb, které se nacházejí v okolí města. Poslední fotka je z města Lednice, kde mají obrovský zámek. Na této fotce je zvláštní socha ve fontáně, která mi připomněla druhou matku z filmu Coraline, který je krásně podivný. Pokud jej neznáte, určitě se na něj podívejte.
instagram stories, summer adventures instagram, instagram recapitulation, travel instagram, karlovy vary, valtice morava, georgiana quaint

In the first week of July I went to Karlovy Vary because of the film festival - this year we were able to watch only about 3 movies a day, we did not have that much luck I guess. I think that our record from past years was 6 movies a day but that was truly extreme. Our "normal" count is about 4 movies a day. This year I was a bit disappointed by the selection of the Midnight movies section. There were no crazy but ridiculously funny horrors. Buuut they had the baby coconuts again, they are delicious. This year they were able to satisfy the demand of the festival visitors. These are 100 % better that the questionable "special" cocktails they were offering in the years past.
V prvním červencovém týdnu jsem se vydala do Karlových Varů na filmový festival - tento rok jsme se dostali tak na 3 filmy denně, letos jsme neměli moc štěstí. Myslím, že náš rekord z minulých let bylo 6 filmů, ale to byl dost extrém. Obvykle se podíváme tak na 4 filmy denně. Tento rok jsem byla zklamaná výběrem v sekci Půlnočních filmů. Chyběly mi šílené, ale vtipně směšné horory. Aleee měli zas mladé kokosy, které jsou super. Letos dokonce byli schopni pokrýt poptávku kokosů chtivých návštěvníků festivalu. Tyhle kokosy jsou 100% lepší než pochybné "speciální" koktejly, které se nabízely v minulých letech.
And how was your summer?
A jaké bylo vaše léto?
instagram stories, summer adventures instagram, instagram recapitulation, travel instagram, karlovy vary, valtice morava, georgiana quaint


  1. Looks like you had a lovely summer . Our summer was mostly rain :( , already planning for next year :)

    1. Yes, it was exceptionally hot summer so it was quite a shock when the temperatures fell rapidly, now we have quite cold rainy September.

  2. We had a brilliant Summer, the best yet I reckon. It's lovely that you made a post out of Instagram stories as it's so nice to look back on the good times. I get what you mean about staying offline a bit, its oh so healthy, but then you come back and try to play catch up. I've learnt for me that when I come back to just try not to catch up and see it as a fresh start.

  3. It looks like you had a fab summer. Ours was pretty good too. We didn't do anything earth shattering but we definitely enjoyed what we did do!

  4. Your summer looks like it was a really good one.
    I don't spend enough time offline but I think that's probably because I'm home so much it's like contact with the outside world.
    The movie festival sounds fun. Shame there wasn't a better selection of the midnight movies though.

  5. What a lovely little collection of memories from your summer. Sounds like you were very busy! I had planned a little summer round up on my YouTube channel and didn't film nearly as much as I wanted either. Iys lovely to just forget social media a little sometimes and have fun!

  6. I totally know the mixed feeling you describe about offline time. It's great to escape the internet for a while but I'm always playing catch up x


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