Trend spotting: All the sparkly things

In this post, I would like to discuss the latest trend that I have noticed while I was looking for some coats in the shops. (Unfortunately, this year it looks like the nice autumn days were skipped and we hopped straight into misty, rainy, cold days.) There was one style that appeared again and again - sweaters or T-shirts decorated with sparkly gems or with various beads or pearls.
V tomto článku se budu blíže věnovat trendu, kterého jsem si všimla, když jsem se v obchodech koukala po nějakém novém kabátku. (Bohužel to letos vypadá, že pěkné podzimní dny nás zcela minuly a rovnou jsme skočili do mlhavých, propršených a chladných dní.) Jeden styl se opakoval hned v několika obchodech - svetry a trička ozdobená třpytivými kamínky, případně korálky či perličkami.

new trend for autumn 2017, scream queens fashion, winter fashion, DIY recycle clothes, sparkle, gems sweater, georgiana quaint, beads on clothes

Personally, I like this style a lot. If you were watching the Scream Queens series you could have seen this style recurring again and again (along with fake furs, feathers and pastel colours) and I would recommend this funny crazy series if you need to get some inspiration how to incorporate the mentioned things into your wardrobe. However, on the other hand I feel like this is becoming a bit cliché because this is not the first time the sparkles appeared on winter gear although it makes sense - during the short winter days there is not much light and the sparkly components look good. They are also channelling the sparkly snow on the streets (in case there is any). So this is probably why this style is so popular during winter.
Osobně se mi tento trend líbí. Pokud jste se dívali na seriál Scream Queens, pak už tento styl dobře znáte, protože v tomto seriálu byl opakovaně k vidění (spolu s umělými kožešinami a pastelovými barvami), takže pokud potřebujete nějakou inspiraci jak tento trend zařadit do šatníku, pak vám tento zábavný a šílený seriál doporučuji. Na druhou stranu mi připadá, že se tento styl stává trochu klišé, protože toto rozhodně není poprvé, kdy se třpytivé komponenty objevily na zimním oblečení, i když to asi dává smysl - během krátkých zimních dní není moc světla a tak třpytivé věci vypadají dobře. Navíc odrážejí i okolní prostředí - třpytivý sníh na ulicích (tedy pokud zrovna napadne, pokud ne, tak si aspoň můžete udělat radost náušnicemi ve tvaru vloček z mého Fleru). Tohle podle mě vysvětluje, proč je tento styl v zimě tak populární.

If you would love to have some embellished pieces but are unable to find the "right" ones or you feel like you don´t need more clothes in your wardrobe you can recycle some of your old pieces. Even "normal" garment from a secondhand can be decorated with gems. There is nothing more fun than a little DIY project that will give new life to an old thing. As an inspiration you can use a skirt on mine. I bought it in secondhand because I liked the material and the fit but there was something missing... so I added a few sparkly flowers.
Pokud jste zatoužily po třpytivém kousku, ale nedaří se vám najít v obchodě ten perfektní nebo už nechcete další nový kousek do šatníku, můžete zrecyklovat nějaký váš starší kus oblečení. I "obyčejný" kousek ze secondhandu můžete sami potunit a našít na něj kamínky. Zabavíte se kreativní aktivitou a navíc vdechnete nový život starému kousku. Můžete se inspirovat mou sukní, kterou jsem si koupila v secondhandu. Líbil se mi její materiál a střih, ale něco tomu chybělo... tak jsem na ni přišila třpytivé květinky.


  1. I like the idea of adding your own sparkly twist to the clothes you already have - in fact I might have a go at this for my daughter :)

    1. I think she will love it :)
      I had a school mate whose mother was creative and put some glitter on her shoes, we all envied her, it was so cool.

  2. I like sparkly things. I wear sparkly socks all the time and clip earrings onto my clothes for a bit of fun

    1. That is an interesting touch with the earrings, I would never think of using them as a brooch! <3

  3. I like the idea of sparkles on your clothes but no matter how good they look, it will always be very hard to wash them. One of my favorite tshirts I bought recently has a butterfly on it, with sparkle details contouring the wings. But as soon as I washed it, a quarter of them fell off :(

    1. Ah, I feel your pain, glitter always goes away. I think when beads or sparkly gems are properly sewn on, then they will last. But you would probably have to do it yourself to make it durable.

  4. 've noticed this trend as well and I love it! I never thought to add my own to older pieces such a good idea! I just need to learn how to sew 😊 I might give it a go though x

  5. I have also definitely noticed a lot of items with embellishments on them. I quite like it. Actually in spring I brought a few shirts with embellishments on them and I rally like them a lot. xx


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