On the wings of the butterflies | Fata Morgana greenhouse in Troja, Praha | travel vlog

This travel vlog is about the Fata Morgana greenhouse and the tropical flowers and butterflies they have there. You can admire up close the butterflies´ fragile wings but also beautiful exotic flora. If you ever have a chance, then be sure to visit this greenhouse located in the botanical garden in Troja, Praha.
V tomto vlogu vás s sebou vezmu do skleníku Fata Morgana, kde můžete obdivovat tropické rostliny a motýly. Křehká motýlí křídla si můžete prohlédnout pěkně zblízka, podobně jako exotickou flóru. Pokud se vám někdy naskytne šance skleník v botanické zahradě v Tróje navštívit, pak neváhejte.


  1. Aw this is absolutely beautiful, such a wonderful place! I wish I could visit somewhere like this, I loved visiting through your lens :D I love seeing the butterflies in summertime! xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara
    (PS I’m hoping I might be able to entice you to follow each other on bloglovin haha xD)


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