The temperatures skyrocketed recently and it looks like the weather will keep us sweating. The question that arises now is - how do I keep active in this heat?
Teploty nám poslední dobou letí prudce nahoru a navíc to vypadá, že se budeme ještě nějakou dobu potit. Vyvstává tak otázka - jak ten hic přežít?
1, You probably knew I will start with this but... stay hydrated. Drink a glass of water before going to sleep and one after you wake up. While sleeping (especially during hot nights) we sweat a lot and can easily be dehydrated. Drink a lot of water during the day too but I hope this doesn´t have to be reminded to you. You should also have a small bottle of water when going round the city because you will soon get thirsty. Be sure to also include mineral waters.
1, Tuhle radu jste jistě očekávali, ale... dodržujte pitný režim. Vypijte sklenici vody než se uložíte k spánku a sklenici hned jak se probudíte. Během spánku ( a zvláště během horkých nocí) se hodně potíme a mohli bychom se snadno dehydrovat. Pijte dostatek vody i během dne, ale to vám snad nemusím připomínat. V kabelce s sebou noste lahvičku s vodou, přijde vám vhod až budete běhat po městě a dostanete žízeň. Nezapomeňte také pít minerální vody.
2, Eat fruits that contain a lot of water. It is not good to overeat while it is hot outside but we still need to eat something. Personally I don´t usually even feel hungry when the temperatures rise over 30 dgr. C but I still make myself to eat fruit salads - I like watermelon, peach, bananas, berries, ...
2, Jezte ovoce, které obsahuje hodně vody. Když je horko, tak by se člověk neměl přejídat. Osobně dokonce v hicech nad 30 stupňů přestávám mít chuť na jídlo, ale i tak se donutím a připravím si ovocný salát - z melounů, broskví, banánů, lesních plodů, ...
3, Have lukewarm showers to cool down. It is tempting to jump into a cold shower but it will cool you just for a while, it would rather just cause a temperature shock to your body. It is also nice not to dry yourself with a towel immediately after the shower.
3, Dejte si vlažnou sprchu na ochlazení. Je sice lákavé skočit do ledové sprchy, ale ta vás ochladí jen na chvilku a spíše vám způsobí teplotní šok. Je také fajn se hned po sprše neutírat ručníkem.
4, Enjoy a book ;) I personally am rather lazy when it is hot outside and don´t feel like doing a lot of activities. I like to just lay somewhere in a shadow and enjoy a good book or draw something because even looking at the screen of notebook somehow exhausts my eyes/me.
4, Přečtěte si fajn knihu ;) Osobně jsem ve velkých horcích spíše líná a nechce se mi do náročnějších aktivit. Ráda se natáhnu někam do stínu a čtu si nebo si kreslím, protože i jen koukání se na obrazovku notebooku unavuje moje oči/mě.
5, Wear maxi dresses and skirts from a light fabric. During the most hot days I actually don´t wear a skin revealing clothing. I have two reasons for this. Firstly the fabric covers my skin so it does not get sunburnt. Secondly I feel like it cools me and also the sweat gets absorbed in the fabric and is not left itching on my skin.
5, Noste maxi šaty a sukně z lehkých materiálů. Během hiců chodím spíše zahalená a to ze dvou důvodů. Zaprvé látka zakrývá mou kůži a chrání ji tak před případným spálením od sluníčka. Zadruhé mám pocit, že mě to ochlazuje a pot se může vsakovat do látky a odvádět jej tak pryč.
6, Have a small bottle of sunscreen lotion in your handbag. You never know when you might need it and it can protect you from uncomfortable sunburns. You don´t necessarily need to buy a smal "travel" version (that is usually much pricier than the normal size) you can use an empty bottle from another cosmetic products or buy a small empty bottle in a drug store.
6, Mějte u sebe malou lahvičku opalovacího krému. Nikdy nevíte, kdy se vám bude hodit, aby vás ochránil od spálené kůže. Nemusíte si nutně kupovat malé "cestovní" verze vašich oblíbených produktů (které bývají dražší než v obvyklé velikosti), můžete použít prázdné lahvičky od jiné kosmetiky nebo si koupit prázdný obal v drogerce.
7, Keep your panthenol lotion in a fridge for emergency. Not only will it treat your skin but it will also cool it down. It is also very cooling to use body lotion that was stored in a fridge.
7, Krém s panthenolem skladujte v ledničce pro nouzové případy. Nejen, že ošetří vaši pleť, ale bude i příjemně chladit. Zároveň je příjemně ochlazující natřít se tělovým mlékem, které bylo v ledničce.
8, If you feel too warm and you cannot even sleep because of it I recommend to cover your legs with a wet towel. Do not cover your belly or back not to get troubles with your bladder or back.
8, Pokud je vám příliš horko a nemůžete ani spát, doporučuji vám dát si na nohy vlhký ručník, který vás zchladí. Na břicho a záda si jej raději nedávejte, ať nenastydnete na močák nebo záda.
*This post was published for the 1st time in June 2017.*
Great tips for staying cool this summer! Now that I'm over 40, skincare has risen higher on my radar screen and I swear I've tucked a bottle of sunscreen everywhere I can. In my purse, in the car, you name it. I also love the idea of reading a good book. When the weather is beastly hot, I love to sit on our porch swing with a tall glass of lemonade and read
ReplyDeleteSince the sun got more agressive it is necessary to protect the skin. Hanging out on your porch sounds amazing :)
DeleteAlso having a fan in your room. No air conditioning, that is too aggressive but a light electric fan is great for the nights. Also for me, watermelon is a must
It can help :) although I know some people have headaches because of it, I never really used it so I don´t know how it makes me feel.
DeleteI have never really used panthenol lotion before. I will have to check that out for the summer.
ReplyDeleteIt is nice when your skin gets red after sunbathing.
Deletegood tips, a hot summer is never a good one for anyone, knowing that we go through the excess heat and are forced to stay in open air spaces more often and the pool too. i like this list.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I don´t remember summers to be so agressively hot when I was a kid or maybe I do notice now because I am a bit older now.
DeleteI always start the day with a large glass of ice cold water - makes me feel so much better. I really need to eat more fruits though.
ReplyDeleteThat´s great! Not sure about the "ice cold" but if it works for your body then all is OK.
Deleteahora es epoca de fruta, yo como mucha sandia
ReplyDeleteThe weather has been glorious no! And their is no better way than to cool down than with a bowl full of fruit.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea to keep your lotion in the fridge. Sadly my daughter got sun burned yesterday, so we'll try this.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great tips. Really need to know in time for summer with my baby
ReplyDeleteI could definitely have done with these tips last week! The like warm shower saved me! X
ReplyDeleteGreat tips, these! I was recently in Italy and the temperature was 36! Took some getting used to!
ReplyDeleteGreat tips. I drink plenty of water through the day, but I end up going to the loo around 50 times :) It has been really warm on a night too :)
ReplyDeleteI need to take sunscreen more seriously.