Christmas market & street decorations in Plzeň 🎁🎄 BLOGmas: Day 13

Today´s Blogmas post is full of photos from the Christmas market and the streets round the square in Plzeň. The markets are on the square during the whole Advent. You can have a hot wine or mead there and then have something (the usual suspects) to eat. I would like to recommend the stall with shawls, the stall with bracelets and necklaces from minerals, and then a stall with hats where I have recently bought two nice berets. Do you sometimes visit the markets to buy some things or do you just pass by?

Dnešní Blogmas článek bude hlavně o fotkách, tentokrát z vánočního trhu a ulic kolem náměstí v Plzni. Trhy jsou na náměstí po celou dobu adventu. Můžete si zde dát svařák nebo medovinu a pak obvyklé pochutiny. Ráda bych vám však doporučila stánek s šátky, stánek s náramky a náhrdelníky z korálků z nerostů a pak stánek s kloboučky, kde jsem si nedávno pořídila hned dva krásné barety. Nakupujete občas maličkosti na trzích nebo kolem nich jen procházíte?

blogmas, georgiana quaint, plzen market, street decorations

blogmas, georgiana quaint, plzen market, street decorations

blogmas, georgiana quaint, plzen market, street decorations

blogmas, georgiana quaint, plzen market, street decorations

blogmas, georgiana quaint, plzen market, street decorations

blogmas, georgiana quaint, plzen market, street decorations

blogmas, georgiana quaint, plzen market, street decorations

blogmas, georgiana quaint, plzen market, street decorations

blogmas, georgiana quaint, plzen market, street decorations

blogmas, georgiana quaint, plzen market, street decorations
