I made myself this autumnal yellow T-shirt

I was looking for a mustard yellow T-shirt for some time, but no luck. Therefore I bought some fabric to sew myself one. When cutting the pattern pieces I thought of another T-shirt I have that has these ruffles near the neckline and decided that it would be a nice decoration for this one too. I think it turned out well and am looking forward to wearing it soon :)

Již nějakou dobu jsem hledala hořčicově žluté tričko, ale nenašla jsem žádné, co by se mi líbilo. Tak jsem si koupila látku, abych si jej ušila sama. Když jsem stříhala jeho části, vzpomněla jsem si na jiné mé tričko, které má takové volánky u výstřihu a rozhodla jsem se tento prvek zopakovat i na tomto tričku. Myslím, že se povedlo a už se těším až si jej brzy vezmu na sebe :)

handmade yellow autumnal t-shirt, georgiana quaint, autumn fashion, handmade t-shirt, how to sew t-shirt

handmade yellow autumnal t-shirt, georgiana quaint, autumn fashion, handmade t-shirt, how to sew t-shirt

handmade yellow autumnal t-shirt, georgiana quaint, autumn fashion, handmade t-shirt, how to sew t-shirt

handmade yellow autumnal t-shirt, georgiana quaint, autumn fashion, handmade t-shirt, how to sew t-shirt

handmade yellow autumnal t-shirt, georgiana quaint, autumn fashion, handmade t-shirt, how to sew t-shirt

handmade yellow autumnal t-shirt, georgiana quaint, autumn fashion, handmade t-shirt, how to sew t-shirt

handmade yellow autumnal t-shirt, georgiana quaint, autumn fashion, handmade t-shirt, how to sew t-shirt

handmade yellow autumnal t-shirt, georgiana quaint, autumn fashion, handmade t-shirt, how to sew t-shirt

handmade yellow autumnal t-shirt, georgiana quaint, autumn fashion, handmade t-shirt, how to sew t-shirt
