Vespa ❤️

When travelling, but also in my day to day life, there are things that would always make me grab my camera (or at least flip out my phone) and take a picture. After years of doing this I already have a few quite extensive sets of photos themed around a certain thing. In autumn I was doing a similarly mono-themed compilation of photos taken during my travels through Europe for my uncle and thought that it would actually make an interesting series of blogposts. So, what are those objects that will always grab my attention? One of them are Vespas (and co.) that I am sharing today. I love their retro look and I feel like I would love to have one myself, although I am not sure how safe it would be in a city with a lot of traffic. But well, a girl can dream at least, right? The other thing that makes me love these photos are the gorgeous streets in which were these Vespas captured. So photogenic...

Během cestování, ale i v mém každodenním životě, jsou věci, které mě donutí se zastavit, vytáhnout foťák (nebo aspoň mobil) a zvěčnit na fotce to, co zrovna vidím. Během let jsem už nasbírala celkem úctyhodné sbírky fotek na určitá témata. Na podzim jsem vytvářela pro mého strejdu podobný výběr fotek na téma, které jsem nafotila po Evropě a pomyslela jsem si, že by z toho mohly být zajímavé příspěvky na blog. Takže, jaké věci mě nenechají chladnou? Například Vespy (a jim podobné), o které se podělím dneska. Zbožňuji jejich retro vzhled a ráda bych také jednu měla, i když mám trochu pochyby jak bezpečno by na ní bylo na vytížených silnicích. Ale i tak se mohu občas zasnít, že? Další věc, která mě na těchto fotkách baví, jsou uličky ve kterých jsou tyto Vespy zachycené. Velmi fotogenické...

vespas in europe, vespa photos, vespa Italy, georgiana quaint
Locarno, Switzerland

vespas in europe, vespa photos, vespa Italy, georgiana quaint
Regensburg, Germany
(yes, I hid the licence plate no.)

vespas in europe, vespa photos, vespa Italy, georgiana quaint
Stresa, Italy

vespas in europe, vespa photos, vespa Italy, georgiana quaint
Brugge, Belgium

vespas in europe, vespa photos, vespa Italy, georgiana quaint
Bergamo, Italy

vespas in europe, vespa photos, vespa Italy, georgiana quaint

vespas in europe, vespa photos, vespa Italy, georgiana quaint
Amsterdam, Netherlands
vespas in europe, vespa photos, vespa Italy, georgiana quaint
Bretagne, France


  1. London is not a city for a Vespa, nor have I seen one in front of me before. I didn't know it was that commonly used in other countries actually. In my mind, it's an Italian thing!

    1. It is Italian thing for sure, but here and there I see them. I have seen them quite a lot in Paris too. They always make my day when I see them :)


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