Bikes around Europe I

Since we didn´t have the opportunity to travel much last year (and it isn´t looking great either this year), I am "traveling" while going through the photos from my travels I took in the past and here and there I am putting certain types of photos into collections. You have already seen one set of photos of Vespas and other scooters and one set of photos of cats. Today I am proud to present to you a set of photos of bicycles. I am a basic bitch when it comes to bikes, so every pastel coloured bike adorned with flowers needs to have its photo taken. You are welcome :)

Jelikož jsme vloni neměli moc šanci cestovat (a letos to nevypadá o moc lépe), "cestuji" prostřednictvím fotek z mých dřívějších cest. Sem tam některé fotky dám do tematické kolekce a tak jste již mohli u mě na blogu vidět fotky Vesp a dalších skůtrů a fotky koček z Evropy. Dnes se s vámi s hrdostí podělím o fotky kol. Poněvadž jsem basic bitch, když jde o kola, tak každé pastelově zbarvené kolo ozdobené květinami musím vyfotit. Není zač :)

bicycles in Europe,  bicycle in Holland Netherlands benelux, Georgiana Quaint travelogue na cestách, krakow on bike
Gouda, Holland

bicycles in Europe,  bicycle in Holland Netherlands benelux, Georgiana Quaint travelogue na cestách, krakow on bike
Bruges, Belgium

bicycles in Europe,  bicycle in Holland Netherlands benelux, Georgiana Quaint travelogue na cestách, krakow on bike
Brno, the Czech Rep.

bicycles in Europe,  bicycle in Holland Netherlands benelux, Georgiana Quaint travelogue na cestách, krakow on bike
Bruges, Belgium

bicycles in Europe,  bicycle in Holland Netherlands benelux, Georgiana Quaint travelogue na cestách, krakow on bike
Bruges, Belgium

bicycles in Europe,  bicycle in Holland Netherlands benelux, Georgiana Quaint travelogue na cestách, krakow on bike
Budapest, Hungary

bicycles in Europe,  bicycle in Holland Netherlands benelux, Georgiana Quaint travelogue na cestách, krakow on bike
Delft, Holland

bicycles in Europe,  bicycle in Holland Netherlands benelux, Georgiana Quaint travelogue na cestách, krakow on bike
Gent, Belgium
