Autumn aesthetic | 🎃 2021

Autumn came very quickly this year, I didn´t even have much time to properly enjoy it as I was pretty busy, however I still was able to enjoy at least a few sunny afternoons for walks in the colourful leaves on the ground. It is not Halloween yet and some trees are already almost bare (these photos were taken on 9-Oct, not now) at my place and morning mists started to appear, so in my opinion the November started, even though there is a few more October days left according to the callendar.

Podzim letos nastoupil celkem rychle, ani jsem si ho pořádně nestihla užít, protože jsem byla dosti zaneprázdněná, ale i tak jsem aspoň pár prosluněných odpolední stihla využít na procházky barevným listím. Ještě není ani Halloween a některé stromy jsou u nás už takřka holé (tyhle fotky jsem fotila 9. října, nikoliv teď) a ranní mlhy nastoupily, za mě tedy už začal listopad, ačkoliv ještě podle kalendáře máme pár dní čas.

autumn colours aesthetic, thrifted outfit, georgiana quaint, vintage clothes, krakow second hand find
| thrifted dress (second hand Biga in Krakow) | a hand-me-down vintage belt | 
| Tchibo coat | Calzedonia tights | Converse shoes |

autumn colours aesthetic, thrifted outfit, georgiana quaint, vintage clothes, krakow second hand find

autumn colours aesthetic, thrifted outfit, georgiana quaint, vintage clothes, krakow second hand find

autumn colours aesthetic, thrifted outfit, georgiana quaint, vintage clothes, krakow second hand find

autumn colours aesthetic, thrifted outfit, georgiana quaint, vintage clothes, krakow second hand find
